


生活, 在寄宿学校学习和玩耍意味着你可以享受到一个紧密联系的社区的好处, replete with adults who know 和 care about you, friends who offer homework help, 小吃和娱乐, 和 a culture rich with campus traditions.


当你成为威斯敏斯特的一名学生,你将永远成为一名马丁. 这个非凡的吉祥物抓住了威斯敏斯特学生努力体现的勇气和优雅. Since this mythical bird has no feet, 它唯一的选择就是通过继续飞行来展示它的“勇气和优雅”——尽管有障碍, exhaustion or even a fierce headwind. As a small school with a powerful athletics program, Westminster’s martlets highlight their grit by persevering, overcoming the odds 和 working tirelessly to improve, all while showcasing the grace of sportsmanship 和 camaraderie. 这个独特的吉祥物提醒学生,即使是一只没有脚的鸟也能打败一只熊猫, a winged beaver 和 a rhino when martlets fly together.


The Sign-In Ceremony welcomes new students into the Westminster community. During the first week of school, 新生们排着队进入教堂,在一个大本子上签名,本子上有无数威斯敏斯特学生的名字. After they symbolically enter the history of Westminster, they shake the h和 of our 校长, 伊莲白, 这是他们成为威斯敏斯特大学正式学生的最后时刻.


Occurring on the Sixth Form lawn, 别针仪式使学生六年级的兴奋和怀旧变得切实可见. 六年级院长, as well as faculty members who are alumni of the school, 给男孩们发别针,给女孩们发项链,展现出独一无二的形象, specially designed by members of the form. This same image appears on the Sixth Form flag, used to announce 希尔假日 during the course of the year.


草坪仪式象征着五年级升入六年级. Taking place adjacent to the Sixth Form lawn, 六年级学生在毕业典礼前夕参加草坪仪式, 携带, 甚至把五年级的朋友们推到草坪上,热烈地拥抱他们表示祝贺. 六年级纪念他们作为威斯敏斯特学生的结束, the Fifth Form symbolically steps into the role of leaders on campus. 另外, 草坪仪式对整个学校来说是一个重要的时刻,因为最后一个站在六年级草坪外面的五年级学生将是下一学年的学校级长. The final two students outside the lawn are the Junior Prefect, 六年级校长, 和一级省长, 学院院长. 不足为奇的是, 许多学生说,草坪仪式是他们在威斯敏斯特大学生涯中最难忘的时刻.


During the Commencement ceremony, 毕业生走过讲台时,校长会随机给他们颁发一张毕业证书. Once the ceremony is complete, 毕业生们在六年级草坪上围成一个大圈,绕着圈子传递毕业证书. When a student receives the diploma with their name on it, they step out of the circle signifying their graduation.


Perhaps Westminster’s most beloved tradition, 希尔假日 mean cheering, 额外的睡眠, 有趣的活动, 和, 最明显的是, 一天不上学. Occurring four times per year, Hill假期通常是在大会上宣布的,当时全校聚集在一起听公告. The announcement, however, is anything but ordinary. In the past Head Prefects have announced 希尔假日 by running through the halls with the Sixth Form flag; a student might pretend to ask another student to formal only to pull the Sixth Form flag out of a box; or, students might make a short video 和 distribute it to the student body. No matter the way a Hill Holiday is announced, the rest of the day is full of visibly excited, 微笑的学生.


在威斯敏斯特生活的核心元素之一是阿姆斯特朗食堂的家庭式午餐,旨在加强社区. They are held four days a week: 周一, 周二, 周四星期五. 家庭式午餐为学生和教师提供了一个更好地了解彼此的机会,并与他们可能还不认识的人进行有意义的对话. 学生们被分配到一个由教师主持的桌子上,为期一周的轮岗. One student serves as the waiter for his or her table for that week, bringing the hot entrée to the table. Students may also select from other food items in the servery. Whether they answer trivia questions or talk about their day, students quickly discover that each faculty table has its own unique identity.

曲棍球 & 特殊的活动

这项竞争激烈的春季晚间运动让走读生和日间学生相互竞争,争夺五月底的棍球奖杯和炫耀的权利. Characterized by witty game reports, 球队的t恤和许多有趣的时刻,即使是威斯敏斯特最有才华的运动员三振出局, 《皇冠2021app下载地址》是一款回归童年游戏的游戏,玩家可以决定谁安全谁出局,每个人都可以在团队中找到友谊.
At a school that encourages 和 inspires student involvement, students will discover 和 savor a variety of traditions –too many to describe! 以下是我最喜欢的几个:
  • 惊喜冰淇淋饲料
  • All-school Trivia Contest
  • Duds Days (dress-down days)


Simsbury, Connecticut 06070

P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 威斯敏斯特遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, 包括种族, color, 宗教信仰, 性, 性取向, gender identity or expression, national 和 ethnic origin, ancestry 和/or disability in administration of its educational policies, 皇冠2021app下载地址政策, scholarship 和 loan 项目, 和 athletic 和 other school-administered 项目. Westminster admits students of any race, color, national 和 ethnic origin to all the rights, 特权, 项目, 和 activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. 
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