


Core Courses and Electives

英语, 数学, 语言, 历史, 科学, and the visual and performing arts have specific requirements for graduation. In choosing advanced courses beyond the required graduation level, it is advantageous to pursue a subject to the highest level possible. A student should attempt, 因此, 通过六年级扩展数学学习,并建立最好的语言背景, 历史, 科学, and creative arts as talent and interest permit. 学生应该确定他们所选择的大学和大学课程的特殊要求.

Promotion and Graduation Requirements

For promotion from one form to the next, a student must have sufficient credits, including those the student expects to earn in the years ahead, to meet graduation requirements. The student must also meet the “Quality Requirement” described below.
For graduation with a diploma, 学生必须在认可的大学预科课程中获得至少18个学分, 包括英语, 4 credits; 数学: Algebra 1, 几何, 和代数2, 3学分; U.S. 历史 and one other year of 历史, 2 credits; two years of Latin or a modern 语言, 2 credits; two years of 科学, 2 credits; and visual and performing arts, 1信用. Each student must also meet the “Quality Requirement” described below.
更典型, a graduate of Westminster has accumulated the following credits: 英语, 4 credits; 数学, 4 credits; 科学, 3学分; 历史, 3学分, 其中一个在美国。.S. 历史; Latin or a modern 语言, 3 or 4 credits; creative arts, 1信用; and electives, 3学分.
晋升和毕业的“质量要求”:为了获得第六名毕业生的文凭或晋升为次等生, a student must pass four major courses each year 包括英语, and earn a general average of 75.0. In order to pass a course for the year, students must earn at least a 70.0. 作为一个普遍的期望,所有的学生都需要注册五门全学分的课程. 任何偏离这一要求的情况,必须经过教务处的推荐和批准.

Advanced Placement® Courses

所有院系都提供大学先修课程(AP)和考试. 入读大学先修课程需要院系许可,并且在大学先修课程之前的平均成绩必须达到90分或以上. 在考试中取得成功的学生可能有资格进入许多学院和大学深造.
所有参加大学先修课程的四年级和五年级学生都必须参加该学科领域的AP考试. 六年级学生,在与他们的AP老师协商后,可以选择不参加AP考试.


学生可选择 出国留学 during their Fifth or Sixth Form years. Westminster students accepted by the prestigious 学年 Abroad program, experience yearlong study and travel in China, 法国, 意大利, 或西班牙. 另一个出国留学的选择是通过同样享有盛誉的英语联盟. Available to Westminster graduates in the year following graduation, the program allows a year of study and travel in the United Kingdom. Advice on these 项目 is offered through the Academic Office, 录取只能通过项目各自的申请流程获得.

Independent 研究 Program

独立学习计划的主要目的是为学生提供课程选择,当他们已经用尽威斯敏斯特课程. 独立学习课程不能用来代替威斯敏斯特大学的课程 nor will they precede courses that are taught in a sequence. 学生必须在上一学年结束前申请独立学习. 独立学习课程需要获得系主任和教务长或研究主任的批准. 课程建议将有一个描述和课程大纲,包括主要评估的概述. 学生将被要求准备一个反映他们在课程中的工作的公共组件.


即将从高中毕业的12年级学生,他们觉得自己多了一年的学习时间, 运动, 艺术, 而个人成长和进入大学前的准备将是有益的 研究生 在威斯敏斯特的一年. Typically there are eight to 10 研究生 openings each academic year.

申请流程与申请其他年级的学生相同,只是考生需要提交SAT或ACT成绩,而不是SSAT成绩,以满足标准化考试的要求. 被研究生(PG)录取的学生加入威斯敏斯特六年级并成为毕业班的一员. They must take the Sixth Form 英语 class, 但是没有其他专门为研究生设计的要求或课程. 研究生被期望以他们的领导能力为学校社区做出贡献, 参与, 和国籍.

如果他们符合我们的毕业要求,他们将在毕业典礼上获得威斯敏斯特文凭, otherwise they will receive a Certificate of Completion.


Simsbury, Connecticut 06070

P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 威斯敏斯特遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, 包括种族, color, 宗教信仰, 性, 性取向, gender identity or expression, national and ethnic origin, ancestry and/or disability in administration of its educational policies, 皇冠2021app下载地址政策, scholarship and loan 项目, and 运动 and other school-administered 项目. Westminster admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, 特权, 项目, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. 
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